Viewing Outstanding Requests

Depending on your permissions, you can view your outstanding requests; your group's requests; escalated, suspended and delegated requests.

The Requests Outstanding view shows the requests of which you are the owner or which have been forwarded to you or your group but for which you have not yet taken ownership. These requests include those in which you are working on at the current moment or will be working on in the future. Completed requests are not shown in this view.

Beginning in ASM HERMES, you may see a message when attempting to view the workflow pallet immediately after submitting a new request that says "waiting for workflow service to create tasks". This is because a change was introduced to improve performance on the self service portal that removed the request pre-create.

In earlier version of vFire and ASM, ASM could pre-create as many as 3 to 7 requests and corresponding tasks and hold them in the database, in anticipation of the request being logged. This is no longer the case so the tasks are generated only upon request submission. Depending on the interval of the polling service you have configured on your application server, there could be a short wait from 90 seconds to 2 minutes.

  1. Select ≡ and then View. From the submenu, select Requests Outstanding.

  2. In the Requests Outstanding window, choose your filters:

  1. The following columns are useful when viewing requests. You can configure the columns if you wish to add/remove/reorder them:

  1. To review a request without taking ownership of it, select the request and then select the eye icon.

  2. The Request Details window appears for that request. When in Review mode, you can attach a note to the request or send an email from the request. To take over the request (that is, take ownership of it), click Take Action on the Request Details window.

You must have Request Take Over selected in the Requests tab of your Workflow Management security role to be able to take over a request. In ASM, work associated to a request is done on the relevant task that will be assigned to you or your team and not on the request itself. The request holds all the dependent work items - it is a container for the process. See Searching for tasks for more information.

  1. To take action on a request directly from the Requests Outstanding window, select the request and then select . If the request belongs to you, it opens in Action mode. If it belongs to another analyst, it opens in Review mode and you must click Take Action to take ownership of the request.

Organizing Requests with Filters

ASM Core allows an organization to create filters in order to reduce the number of requests in an analyst’s Requests Outstanding window. Filters effectively function as a set of personal folders into which an analyst can organize requests into meaningful groups.

Each analyst can creating their own folders, which will only apply to the way they view requests. Alternatively, the system administrator can create a series of folders and make them available to all workflow management analysts.

Using filters does not change the ownership or any other aspect of a request. Filters simply provide another way in which to view requests in your Requests Outstanding window.

Anne Weston is an analyst using ASM Core and wants to use filters in order to customize the groups in which she chooses to view her requests. She organizes her requests into the groups “Requests due by the end of the week” and “Requests sent from Marketing”.

To create a filter

  1. Select the Filters view on the left pane of the Requests Outstanding window.

  2. Enter a name for the new filter in the text area above the list of existing filters.

  3. Select All Analysts to make this filter name available to all analysts when they view their Requests Outstanding window.

  4. Click to the right of the filter name. The new filter is added to the list of existing filters.

To assign a filter to a request

  1. Highlight the filter to which you want to add requests.

  2. Click the Requests Outstanding or Your Group’s Requests view.

  3. Highlight the requests you want to add to the filter, using the Shift and/or Ctrl keys to select multiple requests.

  4. Go back to the Filters view.

  5. In the list on the left pane, highlight the filter to which you want to add the request/s.

  6. Click Update. The selected request is copied into the chosen filter.

  7. The request(s) remain displayed in the Requests Outstanding or Your Group’s Requests view.

To change the name of an existing filter

  1. Select the filter in the list (make sure you have the Filter view option selected).

  2. Type the new filter name in the text field.

  3. Click Update to change the name of the filter.

To delete a request from the current filter

  1. Select the request.

  2. Click Remove on the left panel.

To delete a filter

  1. Select the name of the filter in the filter list.

  2. Click .

Last updated