Managing People

You can manage all your Users, Analysts, and External Contacts using the Person entity type.

You can manage all your Users, Analysts, and External Contacts using the Person entity type. When adding a Person, you can specify if they are a User, Analyst or External Contact, or a combination of these depending on your business needs.

Managing people includes the following tasks:

Analyst Skills and Permissions

To consider:

  1. Do you want all analysts to be able to log calls and/or requests or give only certain analysts the ability to receive calls and tasks? Analysts' permissions regarding call management are determined by the settings in their IPK Management Security Roles.

  2. Which analysts do you want to be able to change options in the Administration module or add other analysts to the system? To find out more about other settings that can be allowed or restricted, read the section on Security Roles.

  3. The skills of your analysts can be linked to both call types and/or CMDB item types. This enables analysts to direct calls to the appropriate person to be solved, based on the issue type or CMDB item type specified in the call.

  4. If analysts have specialist skills, do you want to link them to call types or to CMDB item types? This is of particular relevance if you are using the Resource Manager feature.

Skills are assigned to analysts on the Person Details window through the Skills Explorer option.

Adding a Person

Each of your Users, Analysts and External Contacts can have their own Person record in ASM Core, in which they can be designated as a User, Analyst, or External Contact.

  1. Select New. Then select Person.

  2. The Person Details window appears. (You may need to scroll down to see all of the fields.)

  3. Your Person Details window may appear different if it has been modified by your system administrator.

There is no specific order in which you need to complete the fields on the Person Details window. If you are creating a User, try to fill in as much information you think will assist in maintaining the User record and providing information to assist in solving problems, for example, when an outage or a call is raised against a User.

  1. At the top of the window, select the type of person you wish to create. You must select at least one type, but you can select more than one if necessary. Fields on the window may become hidden or visible depending on which of these check box options you select.


to flag this person as a user of services provided. A User typically has access to Self Service Portal.


to flag this person as an Analyst. An Analyst is a member of the organization (for example, support staff working on the Service Desk), who has access to ASM Core.

Template Person

to create a template rather than an actual person record. This saves time if you need to create multiple person records with similar details.

You must select the person type as well as this option.

External Contact

to flag this person as an External Contact, someone who is responsible for the work outsourced to an external supplier.

  1. Select Account Disabled to prevent the person from logging into ASM Core or Self Service Portal. This is useful if you want to set up the account some time before you want the person to access it, or while the person is on leave. Calls cannot be forwarded to disabled analysts.

  2. When you enable a User’s account by deselecting this option, an email is sent to them informing them that the account is now active.

  3. The next section is the Personal Details. Expand the section if necessary. Complete the details as follows:

Do not use the characters ‘%’ and ‘_’, as they are used as wildcard characters when searching. If you do use these special characters as part of the User’s record, you may not generate the expected results when performing a Person search.


Type an appropriate title for the new person, such as Mr, Miss, Ms or Mrs. This is not a mandatory field.

This is not displayed if you are creating a template.

First name

Type the person’s first name.

This is not displayed if you are creating a template.


Type the person’s surname or family name.

This is not displayed if you are creating a template.

Template Name

This is only displayed if you are creating a Template Person. Type the name for the template.

Job Title

Type the person’s job title

Login ID

You cannot type directly into this field. Instead, select the User ID and Password button. In the Login Credentials window, complete the details.

Click OK to save the login credentials.

A single login is assigned per person. If the person is flagged as both an Analyst and a User, they will use the same login to access ASM Core, the Self Service Portal and the mobile app.


Type or search for and select the person’s manager. Any person within the CMDB can be specified as a manager. If a record has not been created for the manager, use the New button on the Person Quick Search window or Add New button on the Person Search window to create one.

You cannot use Manager as criteria in an IPK Workflow Rule or in searches.

Cost Center

Type or search for and select a Cost Center. You can only link a person to one cost center.

This field may be automatically updated if you link an Organization to the person, from the Organization Details or if you later add the person record to a Cost Center's Linked People table.

Upload Image

Select this option to upload an image that will display when the person participates in a Chat. You can remove the image by selecting Clear Image if necessary.

Chat Name

Type the name that will be displayed when the person participates in a Chat. If this is left blank, a combination of the person's first and surname will be used.

  1. The next section is the Contact Details. Expand the section if necessary. Complete the details as follows.

TelephoneThe person’s telephone number. Include the international code and area code, if available.


The person’s cellular phone number. Include the international code and area code, if available.


The person’s pager number. If you are using this number to send text messages, type in the cell phone number.

Email ID

Type the person’s email address.

If you leave this field blank or provide an incorrect email address, the person will not receive emails from ASM Core.

Email Format

Using the drop-down list, select either Plain Text or HTML. This selection determines the format in which the person will receive emails that are sent from ASM Core. Because the most popular e-mail programs use HTML, it is the recommended format for Internet mail. PlainText format is one that all e-mail programs understand.

This list is only available if Message Format per Analyst/User is selected in the Email Settings window.

  1. The next section is the Location Details. Expand the section if necessary. Complete the details as follows.

Organization/External Supplier

This field appears if People Linked to Organizations is selected in the CMDB Settings or the person is an External Contact.

Search for and select an organization for the person. If you have identified the person as an External Contact, the organization must be an external supplier.


This may be automatically completed, if Locations Linked to Organizations is selected in the CMDB Settings.

If no location has been identified, or you want to choose a different location for the current person, search for and identify a location.

Primary Location

This box indicates whether the location is the primary location for the selected Organization.

This box appears if Locations Linked to Organizations is selected in the CMDB Settings.

Default Contact

Select this option to make this person the default contact for the selected Organization.

This option appears after you identify the organization.


This may be automatically completed, using the linked Location Details, if these details exist. If no address has been identified, or you want to choose a different one for the current person, type the details.

Time Zone

Use the drop-down list to select a time zone for the person. This will enable the person to view ASM Core times in their local time, rather than the ASM Core server time.

All time zones are displayed based on their difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

ASM Core handles daylight saving by referencing values stored at the registry level of the server operating system. You do not have to make any adjustments. For more details on how the time zones are stored, see Storing Time Zone Information.

  1. The remaining fields depend on the type of person you are creating. You may need to scroll down to see the remaining fields on the window.

  2. If you selected User, add the User details.


Person profiles are created by the system administrator in the Person Profile window in CMDB administration.

To associate a profile with a User, select one from the list.

Service Level

Service Levels are defined by the system administrator in the CMDB Service Levels window, and can be used to choose the service level agreement to apply to the User.

Select a Service Level from the drop down list, or accept the system-defined default.

Attributes 1 & 2

Two fields that allow you to add up to 20 characters of additional information about the User. The titles of these fields are configured when your system is set up. For example, one may be the User's private cell phone number if that differs from their linked organization’s number.

Self Service Portal Role

If you are licensed for the Self Service Portal, you can select the Self Service Portal access permissions for the User. The available Self Service Portal Roles are defined within the System Administration module.

To enable this list you need to set the person's login credentials.

Default Partition

If Users are partitioned, allocate a partition to the User by selecting one from the list. If you do not select a partition, the partition you are in when you are creating the person is used.

Partitioning is enabled in System Administration.

VIP Status

Select the VIP status of the User using the drop-down list. The status appears whenever the User is linked to a call or request, so the Analyst dealing with it is aware of the User’s VIP status. You can also search on calls based on VIP status.

User VIP statuses are defined in the User VIP Status window within CMDB Administration.

  1. If you selected Analyst, add the Analyst Details. fields can be added to the person details screen through the Designer.

  2. Select the options on the Person Details Explorer to add more information about the person. The explorer enables you to perform a wide range of tasks such as linking stakeholders and contracts to a person, or defining an Analyst’s support skills, delegates, and jurisdictions.

  3. Select OK to save the Person Details, providing Change Reasons if prompted to do so. Alternatively, select Save New to save the current record and open a new person details record, or Cancel to close the record without saving any changes.

  4. If a User registers through Self Service Portal, a Confirm Registration button is added to the Person Details. Review the details and then select Confirm Registration to add the person. Users can register through the portal if Log Call on Registration is selected in Self Service Portal Settings.

Setup Analyst Security Roles

At the bottom of the person window there is a series of tabs that you can use to manage the Analyst’s Security Roles and other access permissions. Select the tab and complete the details as follows.

Security Roles

Security roles determine the areas of the system the Analyst may access.

Select the security role from each list appearing in this view, such as General Access, IPK Management, and so on.

To view or edit the settings on a selected security role, click Details.

Caution - Changes you make to a security role here are global and will impact every user who has that security role.

IPK Groups

To link an IPK group to the Analyst, tick the Selected checkbox for each IPK Group to which the Analyst should have access.

To set a default IPK Group for the Analyst, select the checkbox in the Default column.

Analysts can also be given access to IPK groups through their IPK Security Role. Therefore, they will have access to groups that have been assigned to them through their role as well as groups to which they have been given access through the Person Details.

Workflow Groups

Select the checkbox for each Workflow Group to which the Analyst should have access.

To set a default Workflow Group for the Analyst, select the checkbox in the Default column.

If the Analyst has approval permissions, you can also set a default approval (AP) group. An Analyst can only have one default AP group.

Analysts can also be given access to Workflow groups through their Workflow Management Security Role. Therefore, they will have access to groups that have been assigned to them through their role as well as groups to which they have been given access through the Person Details.


Select the checkbox for each partition the Analyst may access.

To set a default partition, select the partition and then select the Make Selected Partition Default option. The name of the default partition appears in the Selected Default Partition field.

You can only give access to those partitions you can access yourself. You cannot clear the default partition set on an Analyst’s record.


This tab enables you to select recipients of emails if calls which are held by or assigned to the Analyst are escalated.

Select each of the events in turn, and find the recipients for emails that will be sent when the event is triggered.

Security Profiles

A security profile grants access to secured objects, notes, fields, actions and solutions. For each security profile to which the Analyst needs access, select the checkbox in the corresponding column.

The Person Details Explorer

The Person Details explorer appears on the left-hand side of the Person Details window. It contains options or links to other windows and functionality that relate to the person.


To view the agreements linked to the person


To attach a file to the person, such as their CV or certificates, or view the file


To specify additional attributes for the person


To complete the standard and/or configured forms attached to the person record


To view all changes made to the person details

Password History

To view the history trail of changes made to the password


To allow other people to action items in place of the User/Analyst


To link and email stakeholders


To link jurisdictions to an Analyst


To link one or more contracts to an Analyst


To specify an Analyst’s skills

CTI Caller IDs

To store CTI caller ID numbers for the person

External Resources

To view external resources linked to the person record from a directory application

Discrepancy Reports

To view the outstanding discrepancy reports currently linked to the person

Searching for a Person

You may want to locate a person, either to associate them with another CMDB item or to review their settings and permissions. There are numerous windows from which you can access person details, but they all work in much the same way.

Before you start

You must have User View selected in the People tab of your Configuration Management Security Role to copy the details held for a person flagged as a User and create a new one, Analyst View to copy an Analyst and External Contact View to copy an External Contact.

Depending on your system partition settings and your security role permissions, you may not be able to view certain person records.

  1. Select the main menu and then Search. From the submenu, select People.

  2. The Person Search window appears, with the Person Search Criteria pane on the left. Filter your search using these criteria.

  3. You must identify at least one of the Person Criteria for ASM Core to begin the search.

AnalystSelect to filter your search to include Analysts


Select to filter your search to include Users

External Contact

Select to filter your search to include External Contacts


Select to filter your search to include active person records


Select to filter your search to include deleted person records


Select to filter your search to include person records that were created as templates


If your system is partitioned, and you have access to several partitions, select the partition you want to search. To search all, select Your Partitions.

Included Deleted Fields Values

This field applies to the fields lower in the Search Criteria pane. Select it to include deleted values for those fields, so if, say, you searched on the Surname "Green" and checked this box, any deleted records with the surname Green would be included in the results.

First Name

Select the checkbox to search on first names.

The % symbol appears in the text field below. Leaving the rest of the field blank includes all first names in the search. Type some or all of the letters in the first name to search on those letters. Include % to perform a wildcard search with the entered letters.


Select the checkbox to search on surnames.

The % symbol appears in the text field below. Leaving the rest of the field blank includes all surnames in the search. Type some or all of the letters in the surname to search on those letters. Include % to perform a wildcard search with the entered letters.


Select the checkbox to search for records linked to a specific organization.

The % symbol appears in the text field below. Leaving the rest of the field blank includes all organizations in the search. Type some or all of the letters in the organization name to filter the search on organization names containing those letters. Include % to perform a wildcard search with the entered letters.


Select this option to restrict the search to only those items that were created against this value, not including any of the parent or subsidiary values, so, if you specify your Organization as Accounting Department, the search results will not include departments within Accounting such as Payroll, or people linked to the larger organization.

Equal + Below

Select this option to restrict the search to only those items that were created against this value and subsidiary values, so, if you specify your Organization as Accounting Department, the search results will include departments within Accounting such as Payroll.

Equal + Above

Select this option to restrict the search to those items that were created against this value and any of the parent values, so, if you specify your Organization as Accounting Department, the search results will include Accounting and people linked to the larger organization.


Select the checkbox to search for records linked to a specific location.

The % symbol appears in the text field below. Leaving the rest of the field blank includes all locations in the search. Type some or all of the letters in the location to filter the search on those letters. Include % to perform a wildcard search with the entered letters.

4. If you wish to add further search criteria, select at the top of the pane and configure the search criteria.

5. When you are finished specifying the criteria, select Search at the bottom of the pane. The results are displayed in a browse table.

6. From here you can use the buttons on the toolbar to carry out a range of actions, including copying the security role settings from one record to another. As well as the standard buttons, the following are available:

Copy Icon

Copy details from a selected record

Paste Icon

Paste details into a selected record

Clone Person Record Icon

Create a new person record from a copied record

Copying Analyst Security Roles and Configuration Settings

If you wish to copy the security role details or configuration settings from one person record to another, you can do so using the Person Search browse table.

Both records must have the same login type, for example, analyst, user, etc.

  1. Search for the person, using search criteria that will ensure that both records appear in the browse table of results.

  2. Select the person whose details you want to copy from the results browse table, and then select the Copy icon in the toolbar (see above).

  3. Select the person record to which you wish to copy the details. You will notice that the record from which you are copying the details is highlighted.

  4. Select the Paste icon (see above).

  5. The Copy window appears. Complete the details.

Analyst SecuritySelect this option if you wish to copy the security role settings to the analyst

Analyst Configs

Select this option if you wish to copy configuration settings, including groups, partitions, SLM recipients and security profiles

6. Select OK to copy the selections to the target person record, providing Change Reasons if prompted to do so. Alternatively, select Cancel to close the record without making any changes.

7. Open the person details record and review the copied details to ensure that you do not need to make any changes.

Updating Person Details

Depending on your permissions, you can amend a person’s details to update, say, location, title, skills or even security role information.

  1. Search for the person.

  2. Select the person on the results browse table, and then select the Action icon.

  3. When the person’s details are displayed on screen, select the edit icon.

  4. Make the necessary changes, noting the following:

    • If a person is a User and you deselect this option, any User Approval Tasks in the queue for that User on the Self Service Portal are removed. The User Approval task is set to inactive, and remains inactive even if the User status is reactivated. It will only get reactivated if the workflow has recursion or the task is manually re opened. You should always review any User Approval Tasks allocated to the User before clearing the User checkbox.

    • If a person is a User and Analyst, and you clear the Analyst flag, this change will only take effect after the person logs out of the system, that is, if they are currently logged in, they will still be able to use the system. You can force the person to log out immediately through the Login Control window.

  5. Select OK to save the Person Details, providing Change Reasons if prompted to do so. Alternatively, select Save New to save the current record and open a new person details record, or Cancel to close the record without saving any changes.

Creating a New Record by Copying Person Details

Depending on your permissions, you can copy an existing person record to create a new one.

  1. Search for the person.

  2. Select the person on the results browse table, and then select the Clone Person Record icon .

  3. When the person’s details are displayed on screen, select the Edit icon.

  4. Make the necessary changes to reflect the new person's details.

  5. Select OK to save the Person Details, providing Change Reasons if prompted to do so. Alternatively, select Save New to save the record and open a new person details record, or

  6. Cancel to close the record without saving any changes.

Deleting a Person Record

When a person record is deleted, their name and details remain in the database to maintain the integrity of historical data. However their Login ID and Password are removed from the system and not retained.

New analysts may acquire deleted analysts’ login IDs and passwords. If an analyst you are about to delete has outstanding calls, tasks or requests, a warning message appears. You can continue to delete the analyst from ASM Core or cancel out of the process.

Calls, tasks or requests belonging to the analyst should be re-assigned before deletion.

  1. Search for the person.

  2. When a list of people appears in the Search Results browse table, locate and select the person record you want to delete.

  3. Then select the delete icon from the toolbar.

  4. When the Warning dialog box appears, select Yes to confirm the deletion.

  5. Provide the change reasons, if prompted.

  6. The display should refresh and the record no longer display. If it does not seem to disappear, select the Refresh icon to update the screen display.

Undeleting a Deleted Person Record

  1. Search for the person remembering to select the Deleted checkbox.

  2. When a list of people appears in the Search Results browse table, locate and select the person record you want to undelete.

  3. When the person’s details are displayed on screen, select the Undelete link.

  4. When the Warning dialog box appears, select Yes to confirm the undeletion.

  5. Select OK to save the Person Details, providing Change Reasons if prompted to do so. Alternatively, select Save New to save the record and open a new person details record, or

  6. Cancel to close the record without saving any changes.

  7. The display should refresh and the record no longer display. If it does not seem to disappear, select the Refresh icon to update the screen display.

Last updated