Incoming POP3, and IMAP Email Server Settings

MAPI is no longer supported from ASM version EOS (10.5).

When an incoming email is received the sending email address is checked against person records for a matching email. If a matching email address is found, that person record is used as the person performing the action, such as logging a new call, updating existing call, task or request, or closing a call or task.

If multiple Person records have the same email address, the first Person record found is used.

POP3 Incoming Mail Server Parameters

You can set the following options to configure incoming email for POP3:

  • Name Type the name of the incoming email system you are adding or editing. This must be unique

  • Protocol This is a read-only field displaying the email protocol for this email server account.

  • Server Specify the address used to connect to the POP3 server.

  • Port Number Type the port number on the mail server to which ASM Core must connect. The standard POP3 port is 110, which is the default setting.

  • Login ID and Password Type the username and password required to connect to the mail server. Ensure that this account is set up on the mail server otherwise ASM Core will not be able to receive incoming mail.

  • Active Select this option to activate this email account in the system so that it can be used. If this option is cleared, ASM Core will not poll this system for incoming mail.

  • Use TLS/SSL Select this option to specify that any communications sent by this mail server should be SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This option must be selected if you are using Microsoft Exchange 365.

  • Max Messages per Session Specify the number of messages that will be deleted in the current POP3 email server before disconnecting and reconnecting.

  • Mailbox Authentication Methods Select the authentication method that must be used for this mail server account. Selecting Automatically select Authentication Method allows ASM Core to select the most secure method of authentication supported by the server. Clearing Automatically select Authentication Method allows you to specify the authentication method(s). Some may not apply to the protocol. If ASM Core detects that the specified method is not applicable to the server, it will apply another one. If you clear Automatically select Authentication Method and do not select an authentication method, no authentication will be used.

  • Ignore Mail Server Report Messages Select this option to ignore auto-reply emails with content-type: multipart/report to prevent bounce-back messages causing a mail loop.

  • Ignore On Blank Return Path Select this option to ignore emails that have a blank return path in the email header to prevent bounce-back messages causing a mail loop.

  • Call Template Select the call template to be used when a call is logged from an incoming email originating from this mail server. The details specified in the template are used to populate the fields of the call. This list only displays call templates for which an Analyst or group has been assigned, to ensure that any call logged as a result of an incoming email is forwarded to an Analyst or group in the system.

  • Default Logging Analyst Specify the Analyst to be used as the Logging Analyst of any call logged by incoming email when either the Use Linked Analyst option is cleared or the Use Linked Analyst option is selected but the email was sent from a User only (that is, a person flagged as a User but not as an Analyst). Template Person records cannot be set as the Default Logging Analyst. If you leave this field blank, the logging Analyst will be the person who sent the email. Refer to the notes on how a logging Analyst is determined for more details.

  • Use Linked Analyst Select this option if you want the Analyst who sent the email logging the call to be the Logging Analyst. If the person who sent the email is flagged only as a User, the logging Analyst will be the Analyst specified in the Default Logging Analyst field. If this option is cleared, the logging Analyst of any call generated from this incoming email server will be the Analyst specified in the Default Logging Analyst field. If you want the logging Analyst to always be the one specified in the Default Logging Analyst field, clear Use Linked Analyst for this incoming email account. Refer to the notes on how a logging Analyst is determined for more details.

  • Send Auto Reply Select this option if you want an automatically generated email response to be sent to any person who sends an email to this email server (for example, to log a call).

  • Log New Call on Invalid Number Select this option if you want a new call to be logged whenever the email server receives an incoming email with a recognized format but an invalid call number.

  • Update Closed Calls Enables ASM Core to add a note to a closed call when this server receives an incoming email to update the call. An email reply will be sent back to the sender stating “Call No <call number> has been updated by ASM Core”. Clearing this option will not add a note to the closed call and send back a reply stating “Call No <call number> already closed and has not been updated”.

  • Reopen Closed Calls Enables ASM Core to reopen a closed call when this server receives an incoming email with the call number in the subject line, in a recognized format, and the specified call is closed. Update Closed Calls must be selected to enable this option.

  • On Reopening of Calls Select one of the following options to determine what happens to a call when it is reopened from incoming email.

    • Assign to Analyst/Group Assigned on Template forwards the reopened call to the analyst/group defined in the template selected in Call Template

    • Assign to Analyst Sending Email forwards the call to the analyst who sent the email that caused the call to reopen. If the person who sent the email does not have Analyst ticked in their Person record, the call is forwarded to the group selected in If none then assign to IPK Group.

    • Assign to Logging Analyst forwards the reopened call to the analyst who originally logged it. If the person who logged the call does not have Analyst selected in their Person record, the call is forwarded to the group selected in If none then assign to IPK Group.

    • If none then assign to IPK Group - select the group the reopened call is to be assigned to if none of the options above are selected, or if the conditions cannot be met.

  • Create New Calls Anonymously Select this option if you want to allow creation of calls from email addresses not yet in the system. In this circumstance, a new Person record is created and used as the User for the call unless Use Default User for Anonymous Email is selected.

  • Update Calls Anonymously Allows the update of calls from email addresses not yet in the system. In this circumstance, a new Person record is created and used as the User performing the update action on the call unless Use Default User for Anonymous Email is selected.

  • Close Calls Anonymously Allows the closure of calls from email addresses not yet in the system. In this circumstance, a new Person record is created and used as the User closing the call unless Use Default User for Anonymous Email is selected.

  • Use Default User for Anonymous Email Select a User record to use for all anonymous incoming email actions. When this option is selected new Person records are not created if the sender's email address does not exist in the system. Enabling the ability to allow messages from external email addresses increases the risk of unwanted updates to the call records in the system, including from unauthorized and SPAM type email addresses.

  • Preserve HTML Formatting in History Select this option if you want the history of calls, requests, or tasks being updated from incoming email to display the HTML formatting from the incoming email. When not selected, the incoming email is recorded in the history in plain text. Plain text emails appear as plain text in the history. If Plain Text is selected as the Default Format on the Email Settings window, the incoming email appears as plain text in history.

  • Attach Email as Text Select this option if you want ASM Core to attach the raw email data as an object to any calls generated or updated from incoming email. Raw email data consists of the entire SMTP packet in hexadecimal format, and is stored as a TXT object file.

  • Attach Email as HTML Select this option if you want ASM Core to attach the formatted HTML email data as an object to any calls generated or updated from incoming email. Plain text emails are attached as a TXT object file.

  • Hide email updates in Portal if User is not a recipient Select this option to hide emails from the users view where they are not listed in the TO or CC fields.

IMAP Incoming Mail Server Parameters

You can set the following options to configure incoming email for IMAP:

  • Name Type the name of the incoming email system you are adding or editing. This must be unique

  • Protocol This is a read-only field displaying the email protocol for this email server account.

  • Server Specify the address used to connect to the IMAP server. Localhost appears by default but can be overwritten.

  • Port Number The port number on the mail server to which ASM Core must connect. The standard IMAP port is 143, which is the default setting

  • Login ID and Password The username and password required to connect to the mail server. Ensure that this account is set up on the mail server otherwise ASM Core will not be able to receive incoming mail.

  • Active Select this option to activate this email account in the system so that it can be used. If this option is cleared, ASM Core will not poll this system for incoming mail.

  • Use TLS/SSL Select this option to specify that any communications sent by this mail server should be SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This option must be selected if you are using Microsoft Exchange 365.

  • Mailbox Authentication Methods Select the authentication method that must be used for this mail server account. Selecting Automatically select Authentication Method allows ASM Core to select the most secure method of authentication supported by the server. Clearing Automatically select Authentication Method allows you to specify the authentication method(s). Some may not apply to the protocol. If ASM Core detects that the specified method is not applicable to the server, it will apply another one. If you clear Automatically select Authentication Method and do not select an authentication method, no authentication will be used.

  • Deleted Items Folder The folder into which deleted items for this email server should be moved. By default, this field displays “Deleted Items”. However, you can specify the name of another folder.

    Deleted emails are moved into this folder but not permanently deleted. You must go to the mail server itself to permanently delete these items from the specified folder. If you leave this field blank, any emails received by this server and deleted, are permanently deleted. If you specify a folder that does not exist on the mail server, any emails received by this server are not deleted and are kept in the Inbox folder of this account.

  • Ignore Mail Server Report Messages Select this option to ignore auto-reply emails with content-type: multipart/report to prevent bounce-back messages causing a mail loop.

  • Ignore On Blank Return Path Select this option to ignore emails that have a blank return path in the email header to prevent bounce-back messages causing a mail loop.

  • Call Template Select the call template to be used when a call is logged from an incoming email originating from this mail server. The details specified in the template are used to populate the fields of the call. This list only displays call templates for which an Analyst or group has been assigned, to ensure that any call logged as a result of an incoming email is forwarded to an Analyst or group in the system.

  • Default Logging Analyst Specify the Analyst to be used as the Logging Analyst of any call logged by incoming email when either the Use Linked Analyst option is cleared or the Use Linked Analyst option is selected but the email was sent from a User only (that is, a person flagged as a User but not as an Analyst). Template Person records cannot be set as the Default Logging Analyst. If you leave this field blank, the logging Analyst will be the person who sent the email. Refer to the notes on how a logging Analyst is determined for more details.

  • Use Linked Analyst Select this option if you want the Analyst who sent the email logging the call to be the Logging Analyst. If the person who sent the email is flagged only as a User, the logging Analyst will be the Analyst specified in the Default Logging Analyst field. If this option is cleared, the logging Analyst of any call generated from this incoming email server will be the Analyst specified in the Default Logging Analyst field. If you want the logging Analyst to always be the one specified in the Default Logging Analyst field, clear Use Linked Analyst for this incoming email account. Refer to the notes on how a logging Analyst is determined for more details.

  • Send Auto Reply Select this option if you want an automatically generated email response to be sent to any person who sends an email to this email server (for example, to log a call).

  • Log New Call on Invalid Number Select this option if you want a new call to be logged whenever the email server receives an incoming email with a recognized format but an invalid call number.

  • Update Closed Calls Enables ASM Core to add a note to a closed call when this server receives an incoming email to update the call. An email reply will be sent back to the sender stating “Call No <call number> has been updated by ASM Core”. Clearing this option will not add a note to the closed call and send back a reply stating “Call No <call number> already closed and has not been updated”.

  • Reopen Closed Calls Enables ASM Core to reopen a closed call when this server receives an incoming email with the call number in the subject line, in a recognized format, and the specified call is closed. Update Closed Calls must be selected to enable this option.

  • On Reopening of Calls Select one of the following options to determine what happens to a call when it is reopened from incoming email.

    • Assign to Analyst/Group Assigned on Template forwards the reopened call to the analyst/group defined in the template selected in Call Template

    • Assign to Analyst Sending Email forwards the call to the analyst who sent the email that caused the call to reopen. If the person who sent the email does not have Analyst ticked in their Person record, the call is forwarded to the group selected in If none then assign to IPK Group.

    • Assign to Logging Analyst forwards the reopened call to the analyst who originally logged it. If the person who logged the call does not have Analyst selected in their Person record, the call is forwarded to the group selected in If none then assign to IPK Group.

    • If none then assign to IPK Group - select the group the reopened call is to be assigned to if none of the options above are selected, or if the conditions cannot be met.

  • Create New Calls Anonymously Select this option if you want to allow creation of calls from email addresses not yet in the system. In this circumstance, a new Person record is created and used as the User for the call unless Use Default User for Anonymous Email is selected.

  • Update Calls Anonymously Allows the update of calls from email addresses not yet in the system. In this circumstance, a new Person record is created and used as the User performing the update action on the call unless Use Default User for Anonymous Email is selected.

  • Close Calls Anonymously Allows the closure of calls from email addresses not yet in the system. In this circumstance, a new Person record is created and used as the User closing the call unless Use Default User for Anonymous Email is selected.

  • Use Default User for Anonymous Email Select a User record to use for all anonymous incoming email actions. When this option is selected new Person records are not created if the sender's email address does not exist in the system. Enabling the ability to allow messages from external email addresses increases the risk of unwanted updates to the call records in the system, including from unauthorized and SPAM type email addresses.

  • Preserve HTML Formatting in History Select this option if you want the history of calls, requests, or tasks being updated from incoming email to display the HTML formatting from the incoming email. When not selected, the incoming email is recorded in the history in plain text. Plain text emails appear as plain text in the history. If Plain Text is selected as the Default Format on the Email Settings window, the incoming email appears as plain text in history.

  • Attach Email as Text Select this option if you want ASM Core to attach the raw email data as an object to any calls generated or updated from incoming email. Raw email data consists of the entire SMTP packet in hexadecimal format, and is stored as a TXT object file.

  • Attach Email as HTML Select this option if you want ASM Core to attach the formatted HTML email data as an object to any calls generated or updated from incoming email. Plain text emails are attached as a TXT object file.

  • Hide email updates in Portal if User is not a recipient Select this option to hide emails from the users view where they are not listed in the TO or CC fields.

Last updated