Microsoft SCOM Connector
This section of the documentation contains technical specifications about the connector that is implemented to link ASM Core and Microsoft SCOM systems.
The name of the .NET assembly file
Connection methodology
The resource and link types that can be discovered on the application
The attributes of each resource and link types that can be imported into the ASM Core Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
For compatibility and version support details, refer to the ASM Connector Matrix.
You should familiarize yourself with the information in Installing Connectors before installing any connectors, and read the Integration topics for more information on how to configure them.
Use Case Scenario
An organization uses Microsoft SCOM to discover and maintain resources present in its organization networks. SCOM is also used to raise alerts about adverse events that occur on the supervised networks.
The role of this connector is to expose the resources and their relationships in order to allow for population and ongoing consistency checks of the ASM Core CMDB. The connector also possesses an Event Management capability which allows for SCOM alerts to be integrated in shapes of calls/requests.
Connector Description
The table below provides a description of the Microsoft SCOM connector.
Information fields
Microsoft SCOM <-> ASM Core
Third-party application
Microsoft SCOM
Connector class
Configuration file
Connection methodology
SCOM SDK Service (Proprietary API)
Connection Parameters
The table below provides a description of the Microsoft SCOM connection parameters.
DB connection
SCOM SDK Service (Proprietary API)
DB Login ID
Database Login ID
DB password
Database password
This connector permits extensions to the schema through customization of the configuration file. The possible customizations are listed below. However, the customizations are not limited to these:
New resource types
New resource properties
New link types
Resource Types
All exposed resource types inherit from a specific “Entity” type. The list of descendent types represents what is available after a default install. Actual type lists may vary between SCOM instances. All descendent types may have additional type-specific fields.
All exposed resource types share the following properties:
Display Name
The resource types available for mappings are:
Logical Entity
Alert Notification Subscription Server
Application Component
SQL Database
SQL 2000 DB
SQL 2005 DB
SQL 2008 DB
FTP Site
Unix Application Component
Web Site
Windows Application Component
Microsoft Audit Collection Services Collector
Microsoft Audit Collection Services Forwarder
SQL Component
SQL Agent
SQL 2000 Agent
SQL 2005 Agent
SQL 2008 Agent
SQL Agent Job
SQL 2000 Agent Job
SQL 2005 Agent Job
SQL 2008 Agent Job
SQL 2005 DB File
SQL 2008 DB File
SQL DB File Group
SQL 2005 DB File Group
SQL 2008 DB File Group
SQL Distributor
SQL 2005 Distributor
SQL 2008 Distributor
SQL Publication
SQL 2005 Publication
SQL 2008 Publication
SQL Publisher
SQL 2005 Publisher
SQL 2008 Publisher
SQL Subscriber
SQL 2005 Subscriber
SQL 2008 Subscriber
SQL Subscription
SQL 2005 Subscription
SQL 2008 Subscription
Client Monitoring Entities
Agentless Exception Monitoring Entities
AEM User
Application Name and Application Version Identifiters
Crash Listener
Error group
Override Values For Error Group/Application
System Error Group
CEIP target
CEIP Data Listener Instance
Computer Role
Unix Computer Role
Windows Computer Role
Health Service Watcher Group
Health Service Watcher Group (Agent)
Health Service Watcher Group (Collection Management Server)
Health Service Watcher Group (Gateway Management Server)
Instance Group
All Business Critical Windows 2000 Clients
All Business Critical Windows Clients
All Business Critical Windows XP Clients
GLO - Active Directory Controllers
GLO - Database Servers
GLO - Managed Objects
GLO - Oracle Servers
GLO - SQL Servers
GLO - VMVC Machines
Windows Client Instances Group
Windows Server Instances Group
Network Device Group
OLE DB Data Source Group
Operations Manager Agent Group
Operations Manager Management Server Group
SQL 2000 DB Engine Group
SQL 2005 DB Engine Group
SQL 2008 DB Engine Group
SQL Instances
SQL Server 2000 Databases
SystemCenter Operations Manager Operational Database Watchers Group
TCP Port Group
Web Application Perspective Group
Windows Cluster
Local Application
Unix Local Application
Unix Local Service
Generic Unix Service
Unix Service
Unix User Application
Windows Local Application
Base Monitored Process Class
Health Service
Management Server Agent
Management Server
Collection Server
Root Management Server
Data Warehouse Connection Server
Site Management Server
Notification Subscription Server
Notification Server
Windows Cluster Service
Windows Local Service
Windows Service
Windows Service
Windows Service (svchost)
Windows User Application
Logical Hardware Component
Unix Logical Hardware Component
Disk Partition
Logical Disk
Network Adapter
Physical Disk
Windows Logical Hardware Component
Disk Partition
Disk Partition (Client)
Windows Client 2000 Disk Partition
Windows Client Vista Disk Partition
Windows Client XP Disk Partition
Disk Partition (Server)
Windows Server 2000 Disk Partition
Windows Server 2003 Disk Partition
Logical Disk
Logical Disk (Client)
Windows Client 2000 Logical Disk
Windows Client Vista Logical Disk
Windows Vista Client Aggregate Logical Disk
Windows Client XP Logical Disk
Logical Disk (Server)
Windows Server 2000 Logical Disk
Windows Server 2003 Logical Disk
Chassis (Rackable)
Chassis (Standalone)
Chassis (Storage)
Computer Hardware
Virtual Machine
Unix Supported Agents
SQL Role
SQL Analysis Services
SQL 2005 Analysis Services
SQL 2008 Analysis Services
SQL DB Engine
SQL 2000 DB Engine
SQL 2005 DB Engine
SQL 2008 DB Engine
SQL Integration Services
SQL 2005 Integration Services
SQL 2008 Integration Services
SQL Reporting Services
SQL 2005 Reporting Services
SQL 2008 Reporting Services
Data Set
Standard Data Set
All Network Devices
SNMP Network Device
Unix Computer
Windows Computer
MOM 2005 Backward Compatibility Windows Computer
MOM 2005 Backward Compatibility Windows Client
MOM 2005 Backward Compatibility Windows Domain Controller
MOM 2005 Backward Compatibility Windows Server
System Center Managed Windows Computer
System Center Managed Computer (Client OS)
System Center Managed Computer (Server OS)
Windows Client
Windows Client 2000 Computer
Windows Client Vista Computer
Windows Vista Client Aggregate Computer
Windows Client XP Computer
Windows Server
Virtual Server
Windows Domain Controller
Windows Server 2000 Computer
Windows Server 2003 Computer
Distributed Application
Connected Management Group
Operations Manager Management Group
User Created Distributed Application
Line of Business Web Application
Distributed Application Component
Directory Services
Messaging Clients
Messaging Components
Network Services
Physical Network
Web Application Databases
Web Application Web Sites
Client Monitoring Data Group
Computer Group
All Business Critical Windows Vista Clients
All Windows Computers
Collection Management Server Computer Group
Gateway Management Server Computer Group
Management Server Computer Group
Root Management Server Computer Group
SQL 2000 Computers
SQL 2005 Computers
SQL 2005 Replication Computers
SQL 2008 Computers
SQL 2008 Replication Computers
SQL Computers
System Center Managed Computer Group
Agent Managed Computer Group
Agentless Managed Computer Group
Unix Computer Group
Windows Client 2000 Computer Group
Windows Client Computer Group
Windows Client Vista Computer Group
Windows Client XP Computer Group
Windows Server 2000 Computer Group
Windows Server 2003 Computer Group
Windows Server Computer Group
Network Adapter
Network Adapter (Client)
Windows Client 2000 Network Adapter
Windows Client Vista Network Adapter
Windows Client XP Network Adapter
Network Adapter (Server)
Windows Server 2000 Network Adapter
Windows Server 2003 Network Adapter
Physical Disk
Physical Disk (Client)
Windows Client 2000 Physical Disk
Windows Client Vista Physical Disk
Windows Vista Client Aggregate Physical Disk
Windows Client XP Physical Disk
Physical Disk (Server)
Windows Server 2000 Physical Disk
Windows Server 2003 Physical Disk
Processor (Client)
Windows Client 2000 Processor
Windows Client Vista Processor
Windows Client XP Processor
Processor (Server)
Windows Server 2000 Processor
Windows Server 2003 Processor
Windows Vista Client Aggregate Physical DIMM
Microsoft System Center Data Warehouse
Operating System
Unix Operating System
Windows Operating System
Windows Client Operating System
Windows Client 2000 Operating System
Windows Client Vista Operating System
Windows Client XP Operating System
Windows Server Operating System
Windows Server 2000 Operating System
Windows Server 2003 Operating System
Health Service Watcher
Health Service Watcher (Agent)
Health Service Watcher (Management Server)
Health Service Watcher (Collection Management Server)
Health Service Watcher (Gateway Management Server)
Health Service Watcher (Site Management Server)
OLE DB check Perspective
SQL DB Perspective
SystemCenter Operations Manager Operational Database Watcher
TCP port check Perspective
User Action Manager
Agent Manager
Web Application Perspective
Software Installation
Unix Software Installation
Windows Software Installation
Physical Entity
Hardware Component
Physical Disk
Physical NIC
Power Supply
Video Card
Virtual Hardware Component
Hardware Enclosure
Blade (Network)
Blade (Server)
Blade Chassis
Blade Chassis (Network)
Blade Chassis (Server)
Link Types
The table below provides all the SCOM link types that are exposed by the ASM Core Microsoft SCOM Connector.
Resource Type A
Resource Type B
Entity Watched By Perspective
Windows Computer Hosts Windows Computer Role Relationship Type
Windows Computer
Windows Computer Role
Windows Computer Hosts Windows Software Installation Relationship Type
Windows Computer
Windows Software Installation
Windows Computer Hosts Windows Logical Hardware Relationship Type
Windows Computer
Windows Logical Hardware Component
Windows Computer Hosts Windows Operating System Relationship Type
Windows Computer
Windows Operating System
Windows Computer Hosts Windows Local Application Relationship Type
Windows Computer
Windows Local Application
Health Service Watcher Monitors Health Service
Health Service Watcher
Health Service
Management Group contains Management Server
Operations Manager Management Group
Management Server
Group contains Computers
Computer Group
Management Group contains Operational Database Watchers Group
Operations Manager Management Group
SystemCenter Operations Manager Operational Database Watchers Group
Site Membership
Health Service should manage Entity
Health Service
Computer hosts System Center Operations Manager Operational Database Watchers Group
Windows Computer