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The ASM Application Configuration Change Management Workflow as detailed here, is provided as an example for those clients wishing to implement a targeted CM process around managing changes and configuration in their ASM application post go-live.
ASM ships with a standard Change Workflow for you to use that is widely applicable to all changes in your organization. ASM does not ship with the Change Management Workflow Template, message templates, or screens outlined in this section.
You can follow along with this configuration in your own system if you would like a good starting point to enable CM for changes to the ASM System.
Audience: System Administrators/ASM Developers with sufficient rights to update, change, and configure ASM, ASM Screens, and ASM Workflows.
For the sample Change Management (CM) workflow, you will need new Request, Approval, and Task Screens. You will also potentially need several new Message templates.
See also:
Request Screen Set - ASM CHANGE REQUEST
The following Request Screens were created in the screen set:
Request Details
Request Review
You will notice we did not create a Submission Screen. That is because this particular workflow will not be submitted from the portal, rather it will exist only in Nano and Core. We did create a Portal review screen merely to cover the possibility of an analyst attempting to view the request details from the Portal.
In the Request Screen, we created and placed all of the fields for the data we need to capture (your own requirements may be sightly different). The new fields created were:
ASM CHG Implementation Details - Text Area (Used for Internal communications apart from Activity Log)
ASM CHG Screens Impacted - Text Field
ASM CHG Workflow Template Affected - Text Field
ASM CHG Setting Impacted / Other - Text Field
ASM UAT Scheduled UAT Refresh DT - Date/Time Field
ASM Alemba Reference No - Text Field
ASM Change Review Team - Multi-Select Person Lookup
ASM CHG Developer - Single-Select Analyst Lookup
ASM Review Meeting DT - Date Time Field
ASM CHG Lead QA - Single-Select Analyst Lookup
ASM CHG QA Team - Multi-Select Analyst Lookup
ASM CHG Impacted Areas - DD Multi-Select List (Used in rules-based Conditional branches)
System Admin
RBAC (Role Based Access Security)
Self-Service Portal
Skins and Branding
Service Catalog
ASM CHG RAG Status - Single Select DD List
RED - Major Issues, Project slip likely
GREEN - On Track
YELLOW - Minor Issues
See also:
Further, we relabeled several system fields, changed the color of the ticket's screen header and border, created links, and changed the some of the system field properties:
User - Relabeled Project Champion/Stakeholder (This individual must be an "Analyst" in ASM). A filter for "Analyst" was applied.
Deep Link the user's Manager and the user's Manager's Manager (as Director)
Relabeled the Linked CI's to Impacted Applications and Assets - List all that will be directly impacted, and any that could potentially be impacted
We added Check_1 and labeled it Show Help - Display Process and Workflow Expected actions
We added an HTML field and included text that outlines the implementation process and what the Analyst can expect to happen. It is hidden by a rule that evaluates whether or not Check_1 is on or off.
We added Y_N_1 and labeled it Will this change impact Screens or Workflows?
System Administration>Workflow management>Task Screen Set
Screen Set Name - ASM TASK CR
Parent Request Screen Set - ASM CHANGE REQUEST
The following Task Screens were created in the screen set:
Task Details
Schedule Meeting (Message Template)
System Administration>Workflow management>Approval Screen Set
Screen Set Name- ASM APP CR
Parent Request Screen Set - ASM CHANGE REQUEST
The following Task Screens were created in the screen set:
Task Details (Uses default Approval screen)
ASM APP REVIEW (Message Template)
This approval task is assigned to the Lead QA Analyst. They will merely be issuing a Pass/Fail at the end of testing. You could create a custom Approval screen that uses Pass for Approve and Fail for Reject, however for this build we left the defaults in place.
System Administration>Workflow management>User Approval Screen Set
Screen Set Name - ASM USR APP CR
Parent Request Screen Set - ASM CHANGE REQUEST
The following Task Screens were created in the screen set:
Approval Review (Uses default User Approval screen)
ASM Change User Approval (Message Template)
For this build, we created 3 specialized Task screens and ;
This Change Process applies to Changes made to ASM's configurations, integrations, or capabilities.