Portal Label Language Updates

Update Portal Labels

You can update Untranslated Portal Labels 3 ways:

  1. You can automatically update any untranslated labels.

  2. You can use the search to find a specific label to translate manually.

  3. Import a flat file.

To automatically update the Portal Labels
  1. Access System Administration>Preview Features>Languages

  2. Select the Language pack to edit by selecting the language from the Language Selector

  3. Ensure you are in the Portal Labels tab

  4. Click the Generate button. If there are no labels to translate, this option will be greyed out.

  1. To abort the procedure, click the Abort button

Manually Search and Update a Label
  1. Access System Administration>Preview Features>Languages

  2. Select the Language pack to edit by selecting the language from the Language Selector

  3. Ensure you are in the Portal Labels tab

  4. Select the row and click the Edit icon.

  5. Make your change and click the Edit icon again.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Provide a reason if prompted.

Import and Export Labels for the Self Service Portal

You can Export and import .csv files into your Self Service Portal labels. To create an Import file, you will need to make the file tab delimited.

Export and View Raw Language Labels Data

The Export of the existing values will be produces as a .csv that is tab delimited. To view and edit it, you will need to import it into the Editor of your choice as follows:

  1. Access System Administration>Preview Features>Languages

  2. Select the Language pack to edit by selecting the language from the Language Selector

  3. Ensure you are in the Portal Labels tab

  4. Click Export to send the raw data to the Download folder you have configured in your browser

  5. Go your your files browser and locate the file

  6. Open the file using your file editor - here we are using MS Excel

If the editor wants to convert the file, you will need to select the correct delimiters - it will be TAB delimited.

  1. Select Delimited

  1. Choose Tab as the delimiter

  1. Complete the Wizard

  2. Access the raw data

Import Raw Language Label Data

You can import Raw Language Label Data. Ensure your .csv file header is formatted as follows:

  1. The Header rows should appear exactly as the above example. (Click to enlarge)

  2. Ensure the Correct Language appears in Column 2

  3. Save the file as a .csv that is Tab Delimited

  4. Access System Administration>Preview Features>Languages

  5. Select the Language pack to edit by selecting the language from the Language Selector

  6. Ensure you are in the Portal Labels tab

  7. Click Import to go to the folder you have saved your raw data file

  8. Select the File

  9. Click Save/Open.

The import will proceed

  1. Click Save

  2. Provide a reason if prompted.

Last updated