Workflow Management Security Role: Tasks Tab

You can control access to options relating to task management using the Workflow Management security role.

Before you start

You must have Security Roles setup selected in the Admin tab of your own General Access security role before you can assign or remove permissions for any security roles.

  1. Display the Workflow Management Security Role details window, if it is not already on screen.

  2. Select the Menu button, then Admin, then select System Administration. The System Administration window appears.

  3. In the Explorer pane, expand Security Roles, then select Workflow Management. All existing Workflow Management security roles are displayed.

  4. Select the Tasks tab.

  5. Choose the settings you wish to assign to the security role:

Take Over Tasks

Analysts with this role can take over a task that currently belongs to someone else, or that has been forwarded to someone else or a group they are not a member of. However, if this option is deselected, they cannot take over tasks forwarded to another Analyst, unless they are a delegate of that Analyst.

When an analyst takes over another analyst's approval they can perform all the usual actions such as update details, defer, forward, and complete.


Analysts with this role can approve or reject approvals as part of a request.

Selecting this option will also select Action Approvals in the Delegation Setup and the Delegation functionality in the Person Details.

Take Over Approvals

Analysts with this role can take over an approval that currently belongs to someone else, or that has been forwarded to someone else or forwarded to a group they are not a member of. However, if this option is deselected, they cannot take over approval tasks forwarded to another Analyst, unless they are a delegate of that Analyst.

When an analyst takes over another analyst's approval they can perform all the usual actions such as update details, defer and forward; however they cannot complete that approval unless the setting Complete Other's Approvals is also selected in their workflow role.

Complete Other's Approvals

Take Over Approvals must be selected for this option to take effect.

Normally, an approval can only be completed by the analyst it is assigned to. Analysts with this setting can complete approvals that were assigned to other analysts. When a user takes action on an Approval, the system tracks whether it was assigned to the individual or their group. If the Approval was not assigned to the actioning analyst or their group, the analyst can only approve it if Complete Other's Approvals is selected in their security role, or if they are a delegate of that Analyst..

When an analyst without the Complete Other's Approval permission takes over another analyst's approval, the top of the Approval Details window will warn "You do not have permission to complete this Approval".

Deferring or canceling out of the task will retain that limitation and the current analyst still cannot approve the task. The task should be forwarded to an approver.

These permissions are also required for completing Approvals via incoming email.

If Auto Reply is enabled for Incoming Email and an analyst without the Complete Other's Approval permission tries to complete another's approval via incoming email, they will receive a reply email with the subject "Can Not Take Action on Approval No xxxx".

Reopen Tasks

Analysts with this role can reopen tasks they completed.

Analysts with this role cannot reopen tasks closed by another analyst unless the setting Take Over Tasks is also selected in their role.

Reopen Approvals

Approver must be selected for this option to take effect

Analysts with this role can reopen approvals they completed.

Analysts with this role cannot reopen approvals closed by another analyst unless the setting Take Over Approvals is also selected in their role.

Back Date Tasks

Analysts with this role can set the Action Start Date of a task to a date earlier than the current date in the task details, provided they have Take Over Tasks permission.

Back Date Approvals

Analysts with this role can set the Action Start Date of an approval to a date earlier than the current date on the approval task.

View Suspended

Analysts with this role can view tasks and approvals that have been suspended.

Task Stop Clock

Analysts with this role can ‘pause the clock’ on an agreement (OLA or a UC). While the clock is paused, no further time is accumulated on the task for the purposes of the agreement, and no agreement events (such as escalations and breaches of agreements) can occur. When the clock is resumes, any breaches or escalations that would have occurred, will become active.

SLM Task Exclusions

Analysts with this role can exclude selected SLM events for agreements linked to tasks from reporting.

Select to enable the checkbox in the Exclude column in the Service Level Management window.

Task Change Agreement

Analysts with this role can override an agreement (OLA or UC) that is currently attached to a task and replace it with another agreement.

You should be extremely cautious about giving Analysts this level of security.

Task Object Download

Analysts with this role can view and download objects (files) attached to a task using the Object option in the Task Details Explorer pane

Task View Secure Attachments

When enabled, allows analysts with this role to view attachments using the secure PDF Viewer

Task Object Update

Analysts with this role can modify an object (file) attached to a task on the Task Details window.

Task Object View must be selected to enable this option.

Task Object Upload without Take Action

Analysts with this role can upload attachments to tasks without first taking over/taking action on the task.

Task Object Cancel

If an object attached to a task has been checked out, Analysts with this role can cancel the checkout.

Request Object Version Control must be selected in the Workflow Management Settings to enable this option.

Task Object Delete

Analysts with this role can delete an object (file) attached to a task on the Task Details window.

Task Object Update must be selected to enable this option.

Update Phase on Tasks

Analysts with this role can update the Task Phase field on the Task Details window.

View Other’s Tasks

Analysts with this role can view other Analysts’ tasks on the Tasks Outstanding window

View Group’s Tasks

Analysts with this role can view other Analysts’ tasks on the Tasks Outstanding window.

Analysts can only view tasks belonging to other Analysts who are in their group.

View Org Tasks

Analysts with this role can view all tasks for the organization to which they belong regardless of partition.

  • Search for and open the Task

  • View History of the Task

  • View Objects on the Task

Task Group Review Default

Analysts with this role can double-click on a task that has been forwarded to their group to open it in review mode. If this option is cleared, the task will open in action mode, that is, the Analyst will take ownership of the task.

Task Forward Review Default

Analysts with this role can double click to open a task that has been forwarded to them in review mode. If this option is cleared, the task will open in action mode, that is, the Analyst will take ownership of the task

Task Bulk Forward

Analysts with this role can forward multiple tasks to another Analyst or group. It enables the Bulk Forward button on the Request Search and Outstanding windows.

Task Bulk Close

Analysts with this role can close multiple tasks. It enables the button on the Request Search and Outstanding windows.

Edit Conditional Branching Task

Analysts with this role can edit a conditional branching task from a request set for workflow templates

Edit Activation Task

Analysts with this role can edit an activation task from a request set for workflow templates

Edit Manage CMDB Task

Analysts with this role can edit a Manage CMDB task from a request set for workflow templates.

Task Advanced Search

Enables the Advanced Search option when searching for tasks. Analysts with this role can create searches using advanced search functions.

Take Over on Forward

When an analyst with this setting forwards a task in Nano, the Current Analyst changes to the analyst it was forwarded to.

Task Export Search View

This feature allows analysts and system administrators to create ad-hoc views for reporting purposes. Simply get the search results with the data you want to see, and then export the view. This can be provided to the reporting team for replication across reports, charts and dashboards.

Suspend Tasks

Enable setting a date and time to Suspend Tasks in the Task defer screen in Core.

Analysts with this role can ‘stop the clock’ on an agreement (OLA or a UC). While the clock is stopped, no further time is accumulated on the task for the purposes of the agreement, and no agreement events (such as escalations and breaches of agreements) can occur. When the clock is resumes, it will begin again as if no additional time has passed. Note: Prior to, this option was located in Preview Features>Settings.

Allow Suspend Requests From Tasks

When selected, this will suspend both the Request and the associated Tasks. The Request SLA clock will be stopped.


Update Without Action

This setting applies only to Nano.

While using Nano, analysts with this setting enabled can update tasks without first taking action, and the Take Action button will be hidden.

Select to save the changes and close the window. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so. Alternatively, select another tab, if appropriate.

Last updated

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