Email and Pager Options for IPK and Workflow Groups

You can set up the Email ID and Email Analysts options for your IPK and Workflow groups.

Depending on how you set up the Email ID and Email Analysts options for your IPK and Workflow groups, emails will be sent to either the group email ID, the email ID of each analyst in that group, or both.

The table below describes what happens in each scenario. This applies similarly to Pager options for IPK and Workflow groups.

You can enter multiple email addresses to be used as the group’s email address, provided that each email ID is separated by a semicolon.

Group Email ID defined?

Email Analysts Checkbox selected?




An email is sent to the group email ID only



An email is sent to both the group email ID and the email ID of each analyst in that group



An email is sent to each analyst within the group only



No email will be sent

Email defaults can be set to send from the Analyst’s Default Group Email ID

When Analysts send an email from ASM, the system will set the senders email address to the analyst's default IPK or Workflow group email address as appropriate when the "Send Emails from this Group" checkbox is selected in the email server details, and the group has an email address.

Last updated