Stakeholder Transactions

Limited Support/End of Life Capabilities

The Classic API has been replaced by the Alemba RestFul API. While we will continue to support the Classic API for clients that are still using it, no further development will be done.

If you need to request a hotfix or support for these features, please contact Alemba Support

ASM has two Application Programming Interfaces (or APIs), which enable you to develop programs that automate many common ASM transactions. This section of the documentation deals with the Classic API.

Stakeholder transactions include transactions for creating, updating, deleting and retrieving stakeholders. Transactions for emailing stakeholders are also available. You can specify whether you want to email all or selected stakeholders, as well as the email template to use.

For more information on messaging Stakeholders, see MessageStakeHolders Transaction.

StakeholderCreate Transaction

The StakeholderCreate transaction can be used to create a User, organization, Analyst, IPK group or Workflow group stakeholder for a call, Request or an entity in the CMDB.

Input Parameters: StakeholderCreateRequest

Return Values:StakeholderResponse

StakeholderUpdate Transaction

The StakeholderUpdate transaction can be used to update the link type of a stakeholder link.

Input Parameters: StakeholderUpdateRequest

Return Values: StakeholderResponse

See StakeholderResponse for more information.

StakeholderRetrieve Transaction

The StakeholderRetrieve transaction can be used to retrieve the details of a stakeholder record.

Input Parameters: StakeholderEntityRequest

Return Values: StakeholderRetrieveResponse

StakeholderDelete Transaction

The StakeholderDelete transaction can be used to delete a stakeholder.

Input Parameters: StakeholderDeleteRequest

Return Values: StakeholderResponse

See StakeholderResponse for more information.